
Wall murals in DTSP

April 6, 2018

I woke up today in a shitty mood.  The last few days, my neck has been killing me, especially first thing in the morning.  Because of the surgery to remove stage 1 melanoma from my arm yesterday (that deserves a post of its own — I’ll get to it), I couldn’t train or ride (not that the neck situation would have permitted much in the way of working out, anyways).  I knew sitting at my desk and working all day would probably exacerbate the neck pain as well.  I had a massage yesterday and thought about going to the chiropractor today… but that wasn’t meant to be; I’d not gone in over a year and it turns out my chiropractor left practice all together.  So what to do with today?

Wine was most definitely in order.

Also, I’ve been wanting to get some professional photos taken for my website and blogs, so I can start marketing myself to book agents and publishers.  I found a photographer (yay!) and started thinking about what kind of look I wanted for the shoot.  I want to convey boldness, adventure, femininity, wanderlust, independence, and sass.  I thought a downtown shoot would be cool, and then it dawned on me that downtown St. Pete has some amazing wall murals.  So today, I had a glass of red at Engine No. 9 and then wandered around the city with my camera. The gallery below is by no means complete, but this is just a taste of what I captured today.  Which are your favorites?

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